you know you've been in sweden too long when...

jag älskar att läsa bloggar och hemsidor från utlänska personer som är i sverige, speciellt när man har varit någon annan stans och verkligen förstår allt roligt. här är en websida med en austrailenare och allt stämmer perfekt. dessa är mina favoriter, efter sådär 70 slutede jag eftersom listan har 400 punkter....

1. You rummage through your plastic bag collection to see which ones you can keep to take to the shop and which ones can be sacrificed for rubbish.

12. Your coffee consumption exceeds 6 cups a day and coffee is too weak if there is less than 10 scoops per pot.

16. You associate pea soup with Thursday.

24. Your old habit of being "fashionably late" is no longer acceptable. You are always on time.

28. You hear loud-talking passengers on the train. You immediately assume:> a: they are drunk> b: they are Finnish> c: they are American > d: all of the above

33. Your front step is beginning to resemble a shoe shop.

46. You know that more than three channels means cable.

52. An outside temperature of 5 degrees C is mild.

57. Having to book seat numbers at a cinema makes perfect sense. And you sit in your booked seat even if there are only 2 other people there and your seat is in the front row, on the side.

65. You know all of the "telephone times" by heart.

70. You use 'mmmm' as a conversation filler.

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